Legal information

Privacystatement - Applicants



Version 25/06/2024

1.   Applicants

Personal data are processed in the context of application and recruitment. These data are processed to keep you informed of the recruitment process or, in the case of an application, to process your application.

2.   How do we collect your personal data?

We collect your data as part of the recruitment process:

  • If you apply to us responding to a job posting or of your own accord. This can include the Corilus job page or LinkedIn messages, emails, or other clear actions where you indicate an interest in applying for a position.
  • When you indicate that you may be contacted by our recruitment team (e.g. in the context of a trade fair).

3.   What data do we process about you?

We may process personal data of job applicants such as identification data, data on occupation, education, personal characteristics, etc.

In the overview below, we show what personal data Corilus may process of you.

4.   Why do we process this data?

Firstly, we retain certain personal data to contact you in connection with an interview that has taken place or will take place. Secondly, we process your personal data to correctly assess whether you have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform the job for which you are applying. To paint a correct picture of this, we may sometimes ask you to present certain documents that may prove this.

5.   What is the legal basis for this processing?

Corilus always processes personal data lawfully for specified purposes.

Corilus makes every effort to process no more personal data than is necessary for this purpose and to retain personal data for no longer than necessary.

Corilus processes personal data of job applicants:

  • for the representation of legitimate interests of our organization (the search for interesting profiles to welcome into our team)
  • with a view to concluding a contract (and being able to take the necessary steps to do so)
  • based on your consent (to be able to send you information regarding new job openings or invite you to recruitment events, if you are looking for employment)

6.   How long do we keep this data?

Corilus processes your data only for the purposes stated above for the time necessary to fulfill those purposes, taking into account the legal retention periods applicable to Corilus and any statute of limitations that may apply.

If you are hired, this information will be included in your personnel file. 

7.   Overview


Personal data


Legal basis

Retention period

Selection and recruitment

·        Identification information (name, address, phone number, etc.)

·        Personal characteristics (age, gender, marital status, etc.)

·        Family composition (e.g., number of dependent children)

·        Psychological data (personality, character, ...)

·        Hobbies and interests

·        Education and training

·        Profession and job

·        Financial details

·        Managing job applications

·        Selection and recruitment of new employees

Legitimate interest





Up to 5 years after last contact.

Candidates can have their data deleted themselves via CVWarehouse (15 days after startup of deletion procedure, everything will be deleted).

Creation of a recruitment reserve

·        Identification information (name, address, phone number, etc.)

·        Personal characteristics (age, gender, marital status, etc.)

·        Family composition (e.g., number of dependent children)

·        Psychological data (personality, character, ...)

·        Hobbies and interests

·        Education and training

·        Profession and job

·        Financial details

·        To send information regarding new job openings or invite you to recruitment events, to use your profile in other new job openings, if you are looking for employment

Legitimate interest


Up to 5 years after last contact.

Candidates can have their data deleted themselves via CVWarehouse (15 days after startup of deletion procedure, everything will be deleted).


8.   Will this data be shared with others?

Your information will remain within the Corilus organization and will not be shared with other parties except in the following cases:

  • with ICT partners (processors) who support us with hosting, recruitment software, etc. They only process your personal data on the basis of our written instructions and in accordance with a processor agreement.
  • with an external assessor with whom Corilus cooperates, if necessary, on the basis of an agreement

Corilus makes appropriate arrangements with these parties to ensure the security of your personal data.

9.   What are your privacy rights?

9.1.Right of inspection and a copy

You have the right to know what personal data we process about you, exactly what we do with it and why we do it. You also have the right to get a copy of this information.

9.2.Right to correction of data

If you believe that certain personal information about you is inaccurate or incomplete you have the right to notify us. You may also request that your personal data be temporarily withheld until it is accurate or complete. If it effectively concerns incorrect or incomplete personal data, we will amend it and, in principle, also ensure that other parties with whom your data is shared (see point 7) are informed accordingly.

9.3.Right to restriction of processing

If you dispute the accuracy of the personal data, you have the right to request that the processing of your personal data be stopped temporarily for the period of time Corilus needs to verify the accuracy of the personal data. If it turns out that the personal data is indeed incorrect, it will be updated and we will notify you.

You also have the right to restrict processing if the processing is unlawful.

9.4.Right to object

You have the right to object to processing of your personal data that is based on the legitimate interest of Corilus such as processing in the context of newsletters, marketing, or other processing that is not necessary in the context of our relationship.

9.5.Withdrawing your consent

For processing carried out (solely) pursuant to consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing prior to the withdrawal.

9.6.Right to expiry

You have the right to request that your personal data be deleted if it is no longer needed for the purposes of this privacy statement or if you withdraw your consent to processing.

However, Corilus cannot delete personal data if we must or may retain it because of a legal obligation.

9.7.Transferability of your personal data

You have the right to receive your personal data in a universally readable format, such as a text file or other digital file, when the processing is based on consent, a contract or is carried out through automated processes.

9.8.Complaint to competent authorities

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, the supervisory authority in the field of privacy protection in Belgium(, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels,, if you believe that the processing of your personal data is in violation of applicable privacy laws.

10.       How can you exercise your rights?

Would you like further explanation or to exercise your rights as a data subject? If so, please contact us at

When requesting an exercise of rights, we may ask for information to verify the identity of the requester/data subject before answering a question. This is to determine whether you are actually the data subject whose personal data is being processed.